Haven't we all at some point in our lives thought about our relationship with food? For most of us, choosing soups over sweets or fruits over fries has always been a daunting task. What augments this dilemma is our inquisitive palate which always longs for new taste and flavors, making it all the more difficult. Yes, we would have to agree that our relationship with food is definitely the most complicated relationship that we ever had.
We, at Soul, understand this relationship with food. We continually strive to provide a wide range of culinary delights. Our Pickles are brined exquisitely with the right balance of sweet, salty and spicy ingredients. Our assorted pickles are prepared from recipes learned and evolved from one generation to the next.
Perfectly crafted for your cravings, our saucy Pasta Sauce is a blend of fresh, ripe tomatoes sautéed in olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper, while our Ginger & Garlic Pastes gets your chicken all ready for a guilt free indulgence.
The whole process of making Soul products with the use of nutritious olive oil and less salt is what sets us apart at ADF Soul.
So now, Bindass Khao without worrying about curbing your food cravings!